How Many Languages Do You Speak?

3 min readFeb 11, 2023
An image saying goodbye, in server language

A Comparison of Language Proficiency Between Past and Present and the Role of Technology.

Language is a crucial aspect of human communication, and being multilingual has numerous benefits, both personal and professional. People today have the advantage of being exposed to a wider range of languages, thanks to the advancements in technology and globalization. But how does this compare to the language proficiency of people in the 19th century?

In the 19th century, people were largely confined to their own communities, and the exposure to other languages was limited. The majority of the population spoke only one or two languages, with the exception of a few individuals who had the opportunity to travel or study abroad. On the other hand, in today’s world, with the advent of technology, people have access to a vast array of language learning resources. From language learning apps, websites, and online courses to watching movies, listening to music, and traveling to foreign countries, people have a multitude of options to choose from to expand their language skills.

The role of technology in language learning cannot be overstated. Language learning apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive and engaging lessons, making language learning a fun and accessible experience. Online language courses provide the opportunity to…




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